Rate / Fee Information

Water Consumption Rate

Date Effective 2025-01-01

Payment of the base rate charge entitles customers to usage of 2,000 gallons per month per ERU. Water usage greater than the amount allowed under the base charge will be billed monthly at a rate of $6.10 per 1,000 gallons usage or portion thereof.

Bulk Water Rate

Date Effective 2025-01-01

Bulk water sales is limited to temporary, short-term needs, such as use for construction and/or related work within our District. The District does not offer the sale of bulk water for purpose as a continuing supply to residential and commercial locations. Bulk water can only be purchased from the District when the end-use is within the boundaries of the District. Purchasers of bulk water must provide appropriate metering and backflow protection devices. Bulk water sold by the District will be metered and charged at a rate of $10.00 per 1,000 gallons or portion thereof.

Base Water Rate Information Monthly

Date Effective 2025-01-01

Customers are billed monthly for water usage based on water meter readings

  • ¾ inch
    1.0 ERU - $52.00

  • 1 inch
    1.7777 ERU $92.00

  • 1 ½ inch
    4.0 ERU $208.00

  • 2 inch
    7.1111 ERU $370.00

  • 3 inch and larger
    Determined at the time of issuance of tap by the board

Water Tap Fees

Date Effective 2025-01-01

Connection to the District Water System will be charged at the following rates:

  • ¾ inch
    1.0 ERU - $18,000.00

  • 1 inch
    1.7777 ERU - $32,000.00

  • 1 ½ inch
    4.0 ERU - $72,000.00

  • 2 inch
    7.1111 ERU - $128,000.00

  • 3 inch and larger
    Determined at the time of application, if approved by the Board of Directors

Pay Your Bill Online

Payments are Due By the 14th of Each Month